The life cycle of a Java program
Downloading and installing JDK
Your first Java program: Hello World
Java SE and EE editions
Unit 2. Eclipse IDE and your first Java program Introducing Eclipse Integrated Development Environment
Different versions of Eclipse IDE
Unit 3. Object-Oriented Programming Classes and objects
Data types: primitives and wrapper classes
Variable scopes
Java Comments
Unit 4. Class methods Method arguments
Method overloading
The keyword super
The keyword this
Pass by value or by reference
Variable Scopes
The keyword static
Unit 5. Basic Java Constructs Arrays
Command-Line Arguments
If statements
Switch statement
Debugging Java programs
Unit 6. Packages, Interfaces, and Polymorphism Packages
Marker interfaces
Access levels
The keyword final
Unit 7. Real world example of interfaces
Abstract classes
Raising salaries with abstract classes
Raising salaries with interfaces
Unit 8. Introducing the Graphic User Interface Basic UI components
Layout Managers
Inner Classes
Developing UI for a calculator
Unit 9. Reacting to user’s actions Event listeners
Teaching the calculator to calculate
Inner Classes
Unit 10. Web applications with Applets What’s the difference between Java Applications and Applets
Quick intro to HTML
Embedding an applet in HTML
Applet life cycle
Unit 11. Using Swing to Build Applets Introducing Swing
Developing a Tic-Tac-Toe applet
Deploying the Tic-Tac-Toe on the server
Unit 12. Error processing: Exceptions Reading the Stack Trace
The hierarchy of exceptions
The keywords try, catch, throws, throw, finally
User-Defined Exceptions
Unit 13. Data Structures and Collections Array
Hashtable and HashMap
Linked Lists
Unit 14. Generics Introduction to generics
Defining generics
Generic methods
Unit 15. Working with files and other streams Byte Streams
Character Streams
Data streams
Stream tokenizers
Class File
Unit 16. Java Serialization How JVM’s talk to each other
Object Streams
What’s Java Serialization
Interface Serializable
Interface Externalizable
Unit 17. Network Programming Reading data from the Internet
Connecting through HTTP Proxy Servers
How to download files from the Internet
Developing a sample Stock Quote program
Socket Programming
The Stock Quote server with sockets
How to run the Stock Quote server
Unit 18. Introduction to Multithreading
Class Thread
Interface Runnable
Thread States
Sleeping threads
Thread priorities
How to stop a thread
Unit 19. Working with threads
Race conditions and thread synchronization
Using Threads with Swing: SwingWorker
Joining threads
Goodies from java.util.concurrent
Unit 20. Working With Databases Using JDBC JDBC Driver Types
Sample JDBC Program
Processing Result Sets
Class ResultSetMetaData
Class CallableStatement
Batch Updates
Data sources and connection pools
My brokerage firm with DBMS
Unit 21. GUI with Swing Displaying tabular data with JTable
Using Table Models
Persisting data from JTable
Working with TableCellRenderer Interface
Event Dispatch thread and SwingWorker class
Unit 22.Java Annotations Compiler annotation
Annotation Processing
Unit 23. Remote Method Invocation Defining Remote Interfaces
Implementing Remote Interfaces
Registering Remote Objects
Writing RMI Clients
Finding Remote Objects
Setting Up The Stock Server Application
Unit 24. Java EE 6 overview Java EE component overview
Containers vs application servers
Installing GlassFish 3 server
Unit 25. Java Servlets Architecture of Web applications with Java servlets
The browser-servlet data flow
Your first servlet
HTTP Get and Post requests
Session Tracking With servlets
Session Tracking API – HttpSession
Unit 26. Java Server Pages Advantages of JSP over servlets
Embedding Java Code Into HTML
Major JSP Tags
Implicit JSP Objects
Error Pages
Stock Portfolio Project With JSP
Deploying JSP
Unit 27. Java Messaging Service Advantages of asynchronous communication
Point-to-point and Publish/Subscribe modes
Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM)
Types of Messages
How to Send a Message
How to Receive a Message
How to Publish a Message
How to Subscribe for a Topic
Message Selectors
Unit 28. Overview of Enterprise Java Beans 3.1 Role of an EJB Container
Session beans
Message-Driven Beans
Unit 29. Introduction to Java Persistense API 2.0Entity classes
Primary keys
The EntityManager
Querying entities with JPQL
Unit 30. Working with Web Services Introduction to Web Services
RESTful vs SOAP Web Services
Спонсором этого тренинга является компания Farata Systems.Если тренинг не состоится по любой причине, деньги будут полностью возвращены. Если человек зарегистрируется на тренинг, но передумает до 25 февраля 2011 года, деньги будут возвращены полностью. После 25 февраля деньги не возвращаются, но могут быть использованы для будущих тренингов проводимых компанией farata Systems..