Lviv JavaClub [Event 274] Telegram bot on Java
Review #Telegram bots with #Java. by Senior Software Engineer | Team Lead @ GlobalLogic ..
Review #Telegram bots with #Java. by Senior Software Engineer | Team Lead @ GlobalLogic ..
The talk: “AWS Glue. Maybe the only thing you need” at #coffeejug Speaker Yuriy Stakhniak, Software engineer @ #epam Why …
The talk: “Apache NiFi: Brief Overview” at #coffeejug Speaker Ihor Didyk, Senior Software Engineer @ GlobalLogic __ Agenda: …
Dear Friends, next JUG Lviv meetup will happen on 23rd of August. GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere Talk abstract This session provides an overview of GraalVM, an integrated, polyglot, high-performance execution environment for dynamic, static, and native languages. The scope of supported languages includes JavaScript, Python, Ruby, [...]
Dear Friends, next JUG Lviv meetup will happen on July 12th. Fast path from PoC to production Building production ready application on your own. Fast path from Proof of Concept to production deployment by example of Schedule: 18:30 – Registration 18:45 – Presentation Start 21:00 – Presentation End [...]
Dear Friends, next JUG Lviv meetup will happen on April 19th. REST as a way of life, HATEOAS & HAL Talk abstract In this talk you will learn about HATEOAS and HAL. The talk will start with a short review of how REST was born and what is the REST today. We will also review […]
Dear Friends, next JUG Lviv meetup will happen on February 27-th. Blockchain: tomorrow is today Talk abstract: Blockchain advantages: security, immutability, publicity, decentralization. Main use cases: cryptocurrency, voting, medical systems, insurance. What for? Why Blockchain is better than centralized systems? Schedule: 18:30 [...]
Минулий четвер відбулась наша чергова зустріч. Доповідачами були Олег Докука та Ігор Лозинський з доповіддю на тему Do you really need reactive Spring? Дякуємо всім хто прийшов, зал був переповнений і це чудово. Впевнений доповідь сподобалась всім 90 зареєстрованим учасникам. Також спfсибі компанії EPAM за постійну підтримку наших [...]
Dear Friends, We would like to invite you to the next JUGLviv Meetup organized together with Symphony Solutions, which will occur on Thursday, September 14th, 18:30! Our distinguished guest is Grzegorz Piwowarek – senior software developer at TouK, owner at 4Comprehension, musician and a professional yoyo player. Passionate [...]