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Manning authors know their stuff because they’re plugged into their communities–blogging, speaking, and, of course, coding. Our job is to take all the experience earned by our busy authors and turn it into books that will save you time. Here’s a glimpse at the recent activities of three Manning authors, along with an opportunity to add some great books to your collection at a great discount.
Can’t get enough practical data science?

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Going Reactive with Scala and Akka

Roland Kuhn co- author of Reactive Design Patterns, is taking the Reactive Application message on the road. Roland’s just finished talks at JFokus in Stockholm and, along with coauthor Jamie Allen, at PhillyETE in Philadelphia. Next, he’s off to BigTechDay, München, 33degree, Krakow, and ScalaDays, Berlin. You can catch his recent webinar “Introducing Reactive Streams” on YouTube.
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…and everyone’s busy updating MEAPs
Storm Applied » Author Sean T. Allen has just posted Chapter 5, “Tuning in Storm.”
Oculus Rift in Action » Recent additions by Bradley Austin Davis include Chapter 12, “Using Unity Pro to Create Rift Applications” and updates to chapters 1-4.
D3 in Action » Chapter 5, “Layouts” is now available, fresh from the desk of Elijah Meeks.
Elixir in Action » Sasa Juric finished Chapter 6, “Actors,” to be followed soon by Chapter 7, “Fault-tolerance”
Node.js in Practice » read Chapter 10, “The Web: Build leaner and meaner web applications” and Chapter 11, “Debugging: Designing for introspection and resolving issues” courtesy of authors Mark Harter and Alex Young.
BESTSELLERS Week Ending May 8, 2014
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