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JUG Lviv logo re-design contest


Know how to design a logo? Read along!

JUG Lviv community has been around for a while. The first version of our logo was chosen quickly and served its purpose well. As our community progressed, we have decided to replace it by a better one.
As we are more into writing code, rather than creating beautiful designs – we need You, a creative designer, who can create a great logo!

Contest schedule:

22/03/2016 – Contest start
30/03/2016 – Submission deadline (we will not accept submissions past this date)
31/03/2016 – Winner announced!



  • Free ticket to MCE conference, in Warsaw, Poland.
    On 21-23 of April Kinoteka in Warsaw is going to be flooded with over 550 of mobile experts. Developers, designers, UX experts, managers, and product owners are going to meet for the third time in the heart of Europe on MCE^3 – the biggest mobile event in Central Europe.
    For more details – visit the website: http://2016.mceconf.com/
  • A well-made sketch book
  • The new logo will be shared via JUG Lviv & JDay social media, to hundreds of people, all the credits will be given to the designer!

All the other participants will receive 15% discount on MCE tickets.


Please follow the link here, to register!