Чудовий пост на StackOverflowI came across this piece of code, and found it rather interesting. The following print statement would print “hello world”. Could anyone explain this? System.out.println(randomString(-229985452) + " " + randomString(-147909649)); And randomString() looks like this public static String [...]
JUG Lviv
On previous meetup we discussed theoretical issue: How to develop application which allows to download few dozens small files from server, write some logs about it and execute http call if download was successful?Actually task is quite easy but… we have few restrictions1) We have only one Tomcat (means no cluster)2) Expected number [...]
JUG Lviv
As you know we take part in O’Reilly review program.Several weeks ago I received for review “MapReduce Design Patterns” by Donald Miner, Adam Shook. Actually it was my first experience with mapreduce and especially with hadoop. Hence it force me to read some articles conclusion 1) This book is not for dummies [...]
JUG Lviv
У восьмі версії джави з’явиться нове апі для роботи з датами. Новинка буде основана на базі відомої бібліотеки Joda. Більше можна почитати тут
JUG Lviv
В червні JUG планує провести Java конференцію. Будемо раді будь-яким думкам, ідеям та зауваженням по темі Сторінка конференції JDay LvivБудемо вдячні всім хто розмістить інформацію про конференцію та посилання на своїх блогах, FB сторінках, Google+ чи Twitter (хештег #JDayLviv). Чим більшу аудиторію ми залучимо тим [...]
JUG Lviv
In scope of Atlassian sponsorship program we’ve got few starter licenses on any their products. If you drive some startup and wannna use Atlassian products contact us by mail jug.lviv@gmail.com Your startups have to meet following requirements 1) Development team is located in Lviv 2) JVM language based project
JUG Lviv
If you have some useful resource and want to recommend it to others – send me and I’ll post it on Monday Resource rubric So today number one Java Magazine – you can subscribe digital version for free
JUG Lviv
The question, ‘Who ought to be boss?’, is like asking, ‘Who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?’ Obviously, the man who can sing tenor [...]
JUG Lviv
Yesterday Google announced “Google Drive SDK Early Access Program“. Everybody who joins that program will be able to try two upcoming features Google Drive Realtime API and Push Notifications.You can read more about program on googleappsdeveloper blog. So hurry up!
JUG Lviv
Хто знається в побудові архітектури високо-навантажених (і потенційно розподілених ) систем. Потрібна підказка особисто для мене. Пишіть на – Skype: diykorey або залишайте коментарі тут
JUG Lviv