The Top 10 Reasons why Java Rocks More Than Ever
The Top 10 Reasons why Java Rocks More Than Ever ZeroTurnaround’s RebelLabs often publish awesome blog posts, which we can only recommend. In this case, we’ve discovered a very well-written series of blog posts explaining why Java is so great in 10 steps, by ZeroTurnaround’s Geert Bevin. The articles include: Part 1: The [...]
JDK 8 Is Released!
Сьогодні відбулась найбільш значніша зміна в Java з часів релізу Java 5(Вересень 30, 2004) Офіціний реліз Java 8. Work on features in the prototype Java SE 8 Reference Implementation (JDK 8), was organized in terms of JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPs).[141] JSR 335, JEP 126: Language-level support for lambda expressions (officially, [...]
JUG L’viv пауза(майже закінчилась)
Добрий день Всім. Останнім часом до мене приходять запити:” Чи все ОК і чи ми будемо продовжувати нашу діяльність”. Хочу всіх повідомити, що ми будемо активно працювати і надалі. Ми все ще плануємо зробити JDay 2014 в 2014 році:). Також, продовжувати активно вести блог і робити систематичні зустрічі. Та як Ви знаєте, в нашій [...]
41 Websites Every Java Developer Should Bookmark
Category – Java News Sun Developer Network Well, this is the best place to start with! Being an official Java developers’ website, it contains all the information you need. The website is updated with the latest articles every week. Moreover, it has some interesting sections for the developers, such as developers’ spot light, [...]
Oracle ships Java 8
Oracle has decided to ship upgrade to JDK (Java Development Kit) 8 on March 18, even though the new release may come with a few bugs, as introduced by Full speed ahead: Oracle to ship Java 8 in March, even with bugs. Oracle JDK 8 release manager, Mathias Axelsson has explained that for the initial JDK […]
Code faster with Intellij IDEA live templates
Code faster with Intellij IDEA live templates Intellij IDEA – in my opinion the most productive IDE for Java – comes with bunch of features helping getting rid of writing repetitive code – which is a everyday business no matter what language you use. One of them is live templates. Live templates contain predefined code fragments. [...]